Hear from the Generation Shaping the Future of Social Media (Feat. Lucy Q)
Hear from the Generation Shaping the Future of Social Media
According to the 2022 Instagram trend report, the next generations are consistently defining trends on the platform.
This means that Millennials, like myself, must tap into Gen Z’s voice, taste, and aesthetic so we can adapt to how social media will evolve in the very near future. In this podcast episode, we speak to Lucy, Full-Time Influencer’s Director of Digital Media as she is a tried and true Gen Z.
Lucy was born in 1998 and funnily enough, we are exactly a decade apart from one another. Aside from our coffee order and fashion sense (the great debate over baggy jeans vs skinny jeans ensues), there are actually a lot of differences in terms of our preferences for social media. Today, we sat down and discussed what we each get out of social media from both our Gen Z and Millennial lens.
1. Platform of choice.
On the surface, TikTok and Instagram look incredibly similar but when you get down to the nitty gritty, the ins-and-outs of each platform is totally different. Lucy preferes TikTok over any other platform because it has a more casual feeling versus Instagram which can be more perfectionist. When you are forced to adapt to short-form video, there is less emphasis on ensuring every piece of content you put out into the world is immaculate.
Whereas my platform of choice is Instagram because it is more well-rounded in terms of content you consume. Additionally, I have an affinity for stories because it is ideal for getting to know a content creator on a more intimate level. TikTok is also inherently addicting where it is designed to encourage the user overindulge in content, so I find that I have greater balance with Instagram’s platform.
2. TikTok community vs Instagram community.
Instagram is more concise in the fact that users will selectively choose to follow you for your specific content. Whereas, the TikTok community is generally more randomized and the algorithm just feeds you videos that it thinks you might like. Naturally, this does lead to a greater segway for more people to leave negative comments on TikTok rather than Instagram. Based on the popularity of TikTok, we predict that there will continue to be an even greater push for Instagram to revert back to its roots of being a social platform instead of just a showcase platform.
3. Paid brand deals.
Despite the rising popularity of TikTok, Instagram continues to be the king of collaborations. Marketers continue to prioritize Instagram because of the certainty and reach it offers. The TikTok algorithm is more sporadic and the engagement can dramatically differ with each post. Additionally, the audience makeup of Instagram tends to be older and therefore has more purchasing power that is enticing to these brands when it comes to paid collaborations. However, the landscape is constantly changing and this will certainly evolve over time.
4. Different approach to IG Stories.
One of my burning questions for Lucy was why do Gen Zers not show their face on Instagram stories? She suggested that maybe one of the biggest reasons is that people her age generally do not have sound on when consuming this type of content. Despite the automated caption feature that Instagram stories includes, this is often slow and will actually encourage users to swipe away.
Pro Tip: Always type out a caption on your IG stories when possible so you can snag the viewer’s attention!
5. Video Preferences.
Lucy explained that Gen Z is more incline to videos because of that casual, more relaxed feeling that it offers. A still photo is stress inducing because you get caught up in every single detail, whereas there is less to worry about with a video. Since it is much more difficult to edit specific details of a video, there is less pressure on it being flawless.
6. Ideal creator qualities.
When it comes to pressing ‘follow’, Lucy shares that the number 1 thing she looks for in a user is authenticity. She prefers content creators that are not afraid of getting more vulnerable and personable with his or her audience. Lucy hopes that Instagram takes notes from TikTok and will become more casual and inclusive sooner rather than later.
7. Pressure to show up.
Lucy finds that there is more pressure to show up on Instagram and she worries more about following a stricter content schedule. On TikTok, she can take a break for a week and does not have to stress everyone forgetting about her account. Since it is a more fast-paced platform, you can easily jump back in whenever you are ready.
8. Hopes & dreams for each platform.
There is still a lot of pressure to be perfect on instagram but Lucy tries to combat this by creating content that is more relaxed and inviting. She hopes that in the future, both platforms have a balance of both casual and aesthetic content.
As for me, one of my worries is that users will no longer prefer quality content because it is easier to make more meaningless short-form videos. My wish is that quality will always prevail but there can be an addition of storytelling and casualness that TikTok does best. I cross my fingers and hope that both platforms will prioritize content with substance and value.
We hope this provided more insight into how the Gen Z and Millennial generations consume social media. If you do identify as the latter, I urge you to stay informed on younger user’s preferences and habits because they continue to change the landscape of Instagram and TikTok each day.
and coming along on this journey with me.
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Tina Lee is a feminine lifestyle and luxury travel content creator behind @ofleatherandlace. Since becoming a full-time influencer, she's traveled the world, worked with incredible brands, and turned it into a six-figure business. Her success fueled her passion into helping others achieve their dream life, hence the creation of Full-Time Influencer!
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